Henry and Hues |
Heidi and Henry sharing a glass! |
Week 13 brought with it lots of excitement, joy, and accomplisment. On Thursday, our great friend Heidi and her boyfriend Matt came and visited us for the first time since Henry was born. We all stayed up until 1am on Thurs. night talking, drinking, and catching up. Henry just slept in Heidi's arms for most of that time. He had slept a lot during Thursday, so we tried to prepare Heidi and Matt for one of those nights where the baby cries a lot. Instead, Henry gave us 7 HOURS of sleep. So, either he did that out of respect for Heidi, or else she drugged our baby. We did notice a half empty bottly of Nyquil in her purse later in the weekend :)
Heidi and Matt left on Friday for Columbia so she could show him the sites of the most prestigious institution you will ever see. However, before that, they all went to Oklahoma Joe's for the best gas station BBQ you will ever find. Unfortunately for all in attendance, Henry was not very cooperative. Laura, Jenni Payne, and April had to take turns walking and bouncing him around the dining area to minimize his wailing. Once back in the car, he immediately went to sleep for 3hrs.
The family - He's starting off right!!! |
On Saturday we met back up with them for the MU/K-State football game in Columbia. We were joined by about 13 others, including Laura's parents. The forecast for the day was 52 and cloudy, so we were a little concerned about the cold. Luckily, Baby Gap came through with some sort of space-aged freezer suit for him. Thus, our boy was at a nice, balmy, 85 degrees! As always, he was passed around throughout the pre- and post-tailgate. He did great, and seemed to really enjoy being outside so much. Henry didn't go into the game due to the fear of him getting cold. Laura's mom and Jenni Payne's mom took him to the Kappa Delta sorority house instead to keep him nice and warm. As a side benefit, Henry was able to get the numbers of six KD's. Those girls love Bogart men!

We even took him to Trops on our way out of town (because Momma and Aunt Jen are lushes for slushes). Of course, he got lots of endearing looks from a number of the women in the bar. Overall, I would say that the Bogart trip to Columbia was a rousing success, and we will be doing it again in 2011, just earlier in the year most likely!
Sunday was a huge day in Henry's life, as he was baptized at Visitation, which is a Catholic church by our house. All our parents came up for the big moment. Laura's best friend April was asked to be Henry's Godmother. His baptismal gown was made from Laura's wedding dress. It was beautifully done by the seamstress. Thanks Kara for the recommendation!
Henry's gown - 2010 |
Laura's gown - 2006 |
He did not like this AT ALL |
As a testament that you have very little control over a baby's disposition, we timed everything out Sunday morning so that he would be fed 30 minutes before the baptism and changed right before we walked into the door. He was perfect all the way to the church. Almost immediately after putting on the gown, he 1) needed to be changed, and 2) was fussy for the next hour. Of course, he was essentially wearing a dress, so it is somewhat understandable. Once the baptism was over, and he was out of the church, he was happy as he could be for most of the rest of the day. Oh well, we still got a few good non-crying pics!
Henry and his godmother April |
Monday night was also big for Henry, as it was his first night in the crib. Laura knew this day would come, though she didn't want it to. After setting him down in his crib and going to bed, Laura just watched the monitor for 15 minutes before she could go to bed herself (this included moving the crib cam twice in order to get a better view). He did great, waking up only once in the night to eat.
Aunt Jen, mom, dad, and Godmother/Aunt/Pregnant Girl April |
"What are you looking at? Yes, I'm wearing a dress. Mom forced me too!" |
Developmentally, Henry has been increasingly giving us longer blocks of sleep at night. In the last week or so, he has given us 7hrs. twice! Additionally, he is becoming very verbal. Obviously no words other than "My Dad is the best," but he is babbling all the time now. Unfortunately for him, I think he inherited that from Reggie. Looks like this kid will also be missing lots of episodes of Reading Rainbow and recesses at school. (That's right, the first offense for 'talking' at my grade school was that you missed Reading Rainbow and had to do schoolwork. I think I saw may 20 RR episodes my second grade year! ) Also, his face continues to change from that of a newborn to more of an infant. He's becoming such a big boy!!! We are really excited for the holidays, and for the rest of our extended families to be able to see him! I just hope they are wearing waterproof clothes, because he is drooling a lot now!
Henry and Aunt Jen threw the ol' pigskin around at the tailgate. What an arm! |