Monic and Henry |
It happens each and every time, yet guys never learn - a guy tries to play two women at the same time, and at some point the two women's paths cross and he is caught. This week was Henry's version of this episode. On Sunday, Laura and Jenni hosted a CABI party (this is an at-home clothes-peddaling party, think Tupperware but with overpriced fashion). Both girlfriends, Sara and Emily, somehow ended up being invited. Laura brought Henry, and he didn't know what he was in for. Before he knew it, hair was getting pulled, punches thrown, and he found himself in the middle of trying to calm down a very unstable situation! When Henry got home later that night, Reggie had to sit him down and explain to him that 'catfights' are really cool, and you never break those up! Luckily for Henry, neither girl wanted to break up. In fact, Sara came over for dinner just two nights afterward. Talk about a smooth operator!
Henry was really upset that he got caught in the middle of this. Blame Mom, Henry!!! |
On Saturday we all went to Phil and Lindsay Howes' home with the Knoblauch's for dinner and drinks. The boys all played until about 8 when they all went to bed. After a great night of jokes and stories with friends, it all of a sudden was 2am! We went to wake Henry up to put him in his carseat, only to learn that he had blown out his diaper while in the Howes' swing! Seriously, it was like the diaper wasn't even there - just straight down the leg!!!! Lindsay was so nice, and helped us give Henry a bath before we loaded him up. It is probably pretty confusing to be woke up to get a bath at 2:15 in the morning from someone that isn't even your mom! Unfortunately for us, babies don't like to sleep in so 7am came real early!!!
Noah, Henry, and Dolan - Henry was not cool later when he learned Mom and Dad didn't bring his PJ's! |
Noah trying to plan something mischievous with his boys. |
Developmentally, Henry had his 6-month checkup this week with Dr. Natasha. He weighed in at 15lbs, 10 oz. He is in the 20th percentile for weight, 25th percentile for height, and 50th for his noggin. He was also cleared to eat any solid food (blended of course) other than honey. Also, Henry had a tooth break through on his lower jaw! Now it makes sense why he has been so fussy recently! It isn't fully visible yet, but you can feel the sharp bump where it has broken through the gums. Henry has also learned (accidentally) how to escape from his swing. Aunt Allison put him in for a nap. A few minutes later, as she looked down the hallway, she could see him squirming his way out of the swing straps! Before she could run down the hall to get to him, he was on the floor. Luckily, he landed on the rug, and wasn't hurt at all. In fact, he initially looked at her as if to say, "what should I do now." He cried for a couple of minutes after that, which caused Allison to get upset as well. The lesson from this is: Don't ever underestimate the strength of a Bogart!
Before |
During |
After! |
I don't know if it is related to the tooth or not, but he has been extremely stubborn with his bottles lately. He generally won't even finish half of a bottle, and if he does finish one, it takes 45 minutes to an hour. We think he has figured out that if he holds out long enough and is fussy enough, Laura will eventually nurse him. We are in the process of transitioning him over to full-formula. We don't want to end up like a bad Maury Povich episode where Henry is 8 years old and still nursing! In addition to transitioning him to formula, Laura and Jen spent all Sunday evening steaming and pureeing fruits and vegetables for baby food. He has had apples and sweet potatoes. Loves the apples, but is a bit skiddish of the sweet potatoes. It is pretty awesome to feed him and watch him absolutely light up as you cheer him on for eating it. As an unfortunate byproduct, poor Bella has been getting some undeserved blame for some stinky gas!
Henry looks a little sad seeing that his old flame has apparently moved on! |
Henry helping Monic with her taxes! |