Saturday, February 12, 2011

Casanova - Week 24

Henry and his 'to be named later' friend; "Hey, Sifford, get out of there so we can play! Plus, it is hot in there. Trust me, I know!"

Henry has been dealing with some congestion issues/cold for the last week, and it causes him to cough and sneeze, which disrupts his sleep in the crib. We have found that he sleeps much better in the swing and when being held at a bit of an angle. On Monday night, Reggie was sitting on the couch holding the little guy while he slept. When he got up to change Henry, he all of a sudden felt something. Henry must have sweat on his belly, he thought. Upon further investigation, he realize that actually, Henry had peed through his outfit on good ol' Dad!  Just chalk up another victim to Henry's pee hitlist.

Henry apparently has a girlfriend at daycare named Emma. On Friday when Laura dropped him off at daycare, the teacher told her that Henry had a girlfriend. Laura immediately blew it off, but then noticed that he looked over at Emma and smiled real big. Then, when she picked him up at the end of the day, she was informed that apparently during the day Henry decided to lean over on Emma and kiss/slobber on her cheek. Looks like the Bogarts had a little Casonova in the family! You probably aren't all that surprised, given how smooth Reggie has always been with the ladies :) Emma's dad was upset by the development, to which Laura told him, "Don't hate the playa', hate the game!"

You can't resist these looks!

On Tuesday, the 2011 Kansas City "Snowpacolypse" hit, dumping about a foot of snow on the area. That night, we decided to all bundle up and walk across the street to the Knoblauch's to hang out and have a few drinks. At their house, we put Henry in Dolan's jumper to see what he thought of it (we were considering buying one for him). Henry absolutely loved it!!! Dolan had just outgrown it, and they were getting ready to store it in their basement, so they are letting us borrow it until they need it. What great friends!!! It is funny to watch him, because Henry will only jump off his right leg currently. And boy will he jump. He will go forever until he reaches the "crashing" point whereby he melts down on us.
Henry and Dolan enduring the snowpocalypse

Developmentally, Henry is starting to show signs of wanting to crawl. When he rolls onto his belly, he will now start to move his arms and legs in a sort-of crawling/swimming motion. Also, he no longer gets upset flipping onto his belly. In fact, he now prefers it, especially when he is playing with his light-up ball. Henry continues to progress on his sitting abilities. He can now sit on his own for around a minute, unless he is excited - then he falls over quickly! We finally decided to go online and order some 'overnight' diapers to try and cut down on the number of times he wakes up just to have his diaper changed. So far, it seems to be working well (thank you Elizabeth Mills!!). He now only wakes up 1-2 times/night (once to eat around 1-2am, and once around 5:30 for a diaper change).

Baby Rambo

Oh geez, I hope I don't get Aunt Jenni's bird flu!