Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week 3 - Making Aubrey happy

Henry loves his little sister without a doubt. Now, in addition to racing to give Aubrey the first kiss when he and Reggie get home, he has also started to try and "make Aubrey happy" when she cries. This generally entails him going over to her chair/swing and giving her a kiss or holding her hand. This quickly transitions to him singing and dancing in front of her. It is both utterly hilarious and heartwarming to say the least.

"What are you about to do, Henry?"
This week we also started potty training Henry. He is about 95% successful with "#1," and about 1% successful with the rest. After constipating himself for four days, it all came to a head on Thursday when the Cowie's were over to meet Aubrey. While playing with their two girls, Henry came running up to Laura exclaiming, "Mommy, the poopy is coming out, the poopy is coming out!" In addition to the Cowie's, Aubrey had visits from our friends Elizabeth and Ashley.

Ashley Albers and Aubrey

Elizabeth Mills and Aubrey
On Sunday, the family went to the baptism of Laura's friend's daughter, Lucy. We continue to struggle to get out of the house at the appropriate time, so we were late and happened to miss the ceremony itself.  Immediately upon arriving at the church, Aubrey was hungry, and Henry was onery. So, for the rest of the service, Laura fed Aubrey in a side room, and Reggie took Henry outside to run around. Praise the Lord!
In 6 months, you'll be at Lucy's size, Aubs!
The end of this week was Reggie's birthday. As you may have guessed, a birthday with two kids under the age of 3 is going to be celebrated at home! Laura made Hawaiian pizza, a favorite, and got a cookie cake to celebrate.
The kids enjoyed the celebration (or at least the cookie cake!)

Aubrey has hit her birth weight, and can now start taking bottles. She is in the 50th percentile for height , and the 25th percentile for weight. For as much as she eats Laura must be making skim milk!

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